With the rapid medicalization of psychedelics underway, we are concerned about run-away marketing and the touting of psychedelics as new magic bullets for individual mental illnesses. By contrast, we are developing evaluation materials for local communities to draw on, and adapt, to produce real world data that helps us to understand how communities are being – and could be – reshaped through the transformative potential of psychedelic experiences. We like to imagine the increasing prevalence of psychedelic experiences as so many small fires, whose energy spreads across communities, in known and unknown ways. Increasing the accessibility of psychedelic experiences, then, obliges an expansive, more-than-human ethics of care. Our evaluation materials therefore invite human and non-human stakeholders into reflexive consideration of the effects of medicalised access for communities. Through such evaluations we hope to strengthen both community-based literacy around psychedelic (and related extra-ordinary) experiences, and the relations that best nurture their transformative potential. 


Healing Justice London, 2023


The Tīpuna Project, 2023-present