Our radical approach to evaluations has emerged out of our experience designing and facilitating a final year undergraduate module for Clinical and Community Psychology students at the University East London. Simply called, ‘Praxis’, in this two-term module students were asked to engage decolonial and (black) feminist theory while undertaking a collaborative evaluation with a clinical or community service or project, and reflexively journal about their experience using experimental, more-than-human techniques. By the end of the year, they were asked to produce a ‘standard’ evaluation report for those funding or running the service or project, a creative summary of this report in a form relevant and accessible to folx who were most marginalised within the service or project and a personal-professional-political manifesto about the necessities, obligations and possibilities of doing Clinical and Community Psychology in the world today. Throughout all, students were asked to engage with the social structures and social movements entangled with their evaluations, including with themselves as the evaluators. We ended the year with a public showcase where students could share their creative summaries and overall reflexive learnings with each other and the communities that their evaluations touched.
Over five years, we provided overall guidance and/or direct supervision and participation to close to four dozen projects, situated in grassroots, community, clinical and forensic settings, engaging issues in relation to youth and adult madness or psychiatric service use/survival, serious youth violence and grief, communities both ignoring and policing young people and White supremacy and coloniality, using mainstream, liberation, peer and arts-based techniques, and entangling with movements for mad, disability, queer, migrant and racial justice.
Overall we positioned our approach as a response to Frantz Fanon’s call for a Psychology that is committed to transforming the world, more than knowing it; to revolution, more than description; to creating possibilities, more than exhausting them.